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Past Events
April 24, 2024
Wells Fargo Vigil

On April 24, seven local activists were arrested for occupying the lobby of Wells Fargo branch at 464 California Street, San Francisco after 30 concerned citizens conducted a solemn vigil to highlight the interconnectedness of environmental injustices and financial misconduct.
February 29, 2024
Ally Event Insure Our Future

On February 29th, climate activists staged an event in downtown San Francisco outside insurance company Chubb’s offices, demanding that both Chubb and AIG take immediate action to address their contribution to the climate crisis, stop insuring dangerous fossil fuels, and rapidly increase investments in clean energy.
October 26, 2023
Wells Fargo Protest

Climate protesters from XRSFBay, 350 Bay Area and other groups blocked open the entrance and occupied the lobby of fossil fuel funder Wells Fargo in the bank’s 333 Market Street headquarters on October 26, disrupting business as usual.
July 14, 2023
Wells Fargo Climate "Block Party"

Six climate activists were arrested by the SF Police Department on July 14 as part of an action to demand a stop to the bank’s reckless funding of fossil fuels.
April 24, 2023
The People Vs Wells Fargo

Bright and early on the morning of April 24 2023, XRSFBay along with many other local grassroots climate action groups gathered at the headquarters of Wells Fargo bank the day before their annual shareholder meeting. We disrupted business as usual for the day to urge the passage of four fossil fuel divestment-related shareholder resolutions.
April 21, 2023
Friday Nights at OMCA Featuring Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area

On Friday April 21st for Earth Day weekend, OMCA hosted Extinction Rebellion (XR) San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, and the City Of Oakland’s Sustainability and Resilience team to share how we can take action on climate change in Oakland through art, community, and organizing.
March 21, 2023
Ally Event: Stop Dirty Banks Day Of Action

In dozens of cities across the US, everyday people took to the streets on March 21st to protest the “Dirty Four” banks that do the most to finance the climate crisis. In the Bay Area, local actions in Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and more preceded a big convergence at the Wells Fargo HQ in downtown San Francisco that afternoon. This was part of a campaign in part organized by senior-focused climate group Third Act.
March 15, 2023
Stop Cop City Tour Of Financial Backers - SF

The Atlanta Police Foundation, corporations, and political officials are trying to destroy hundreds of acres of the Weelaunee Forest to build a massive police training compound. The compound would train cops from around the world in militarized police tactics.
On January 18th, police murdered forest defender Tortuguita who had been organizing tirelessly to #StopCopCity.
Cop City must be stopped.
November 28, 2022
Ally Event: Polluters Pay Up Gas Station Protest

Extinction Rebellion SF Bay joined activists from Last Change Alliance to protest fossil fuel companies’ record profits. The action, held at a Chevron gas station in Oakland, was in support of a windfall profits tax against fossil fuel companies in California.
November 25, 2022
Ally Event: Shellmound 2 Shellmound Prayer Walk

On November 25th 2022 (Native American Heritage Day), a procession of close to five hundred folks walked from the West Berkeley Shellmound to the Emeryville Shellmound in the Confederated Villages of Lisjan/Ohlone. It was a beautiful gathering.
November 10, 2022
Ally Event: People Over Profits Youth March in SF

On Thursday November 10th 2022, middle and high school students from around the Bay gathered and marched to demand climate action and climate justice. They were protesting those that put short-term power and profit over the livability of the planet, while building and celebrating their own power to resist, protect each other, and demand a livable future. See how the action was covered by KCBS and KALW.
November 3, 2022
Lamenting At Stanford

On November 3 the Lamentors joined a group of Stanford University students and faculty protesting the presence of Exxon CEO Darren Woods at a Global Energy Forum on campus as well as the University’s Doerr School of Sustainability’s acceptance of fossil fuel money.
Read more at The Stanford Daily.
September 20, 2022
Telling The Truth At The Chase Race

On September 20th, climate activists from the Bay Area and beyond gathered to send a message to JP Morgan Chase that their enormous and ongoing financial support of the fossil fuel industry is a disaster and must be stopped.
September 1, 2022
Ally Action: No Dirty Deal @ Sen. Feinstein's Office

Over 50 protestors gathered at Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) office on September 1 to protest the dirty pipeline deal negotiated by House and Senate leadership, which would fast-track fossil fuel projects such as the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Activists staged a sit-in inside the building to demand that Senator Feinstein, Speaker Pelosi and all members of Congress commit to stopping the shifty side deal to the Inflation Recovery Act that would perpetuate environmental racism and throw frontline communities under the bus. Six activists were arrested while awaiting commitment from the Senator to oppose any legislation that fast-tracks fossil fuel projects or strips away environmental protections.
August 6, 2022
Ally Action: 10th Anniversary of Richmond Chevron Explosion

On Saturday, August 6, hundreds of Richmond residents and local allies came together to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the 2012 Chevron Refinery Fire. Organized by Richmond Our Power Coalition, we marched to Chevron to send a message that we REFUSE another 120 years of violence on our bodies, our communities, our air.
May 18, 2022
Dropping The Banner On Wells Fargo's Fossil Foolishness

Members of several climate action groups including XRSFBay Area gathered on May 18 in San Francisco to continue to demand that Wells Fargo cut financing for expansion of fossil fuels. Street theater, speeches, banners and flyers were used to call out the bank’s participation in the climate crisis to passing commuters.
April 29, 2022
Vigil for Wynn Bruce, R.I.P.

On Friday, April 29, Extinction Rebellion chapters and allies across the country held a silent vigil for Wynn Bruce, a climate activist and Shambhala Buddhist. Wynn Bruce self-immolated in front of the United States Supreme Court on Earth Day 2022 to protest the government’s inaction on the climate and ecological emergency.
April 25, 2022
Climate Activists Occupy Wells Fargo Global Headquarters

SAN FRANCISCO — On the eve of Wells Fargo Bank’s annual shareholders’ meeting, 19 climate activists were arrested inside the bank’s headquarters demanding that it stop lending billions annually to the oil and gas industry, whose products are propelling the planet towards disaster.
April 22, 2022
Ally Event: People's Earth Day 2022 @ SF City Hall

On Earth Day 2022, youth organizers marched to San Francisco City Hall to recenter Earth Day on low income communities of color.
The focus was on Bayview Hunters Point, a low-income community of color disproportionately impacted by pollution. Radioactive contamination at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Superfund Site has harmed community health yet been dismissed by city officials for decades.
April 6, 2022
Ally Event: Scientist Rebellion Day of Action @ Chase Bank LA

LOS ANGELES: — On April 6th, four scientists who have spent years trying to make their voices heard and spur action on the climate crisis met up in Los Angeles and chained themselves to the doors of a Chase Bank. They were protesting the lack of action by Chase and other financial institutions to protect the planet and act on the climate emergency. This non-violent action direct action was met by an outsized reaction from the Los Angeles Police Department which arrested and briefly detained the four.
March 25, 2022
Ally Event: Global Youth Climate Strike SF - #PeopleNotProfit

On Friday, March 25th Youth vs Apocalypse, Earth Guardians Bay Area and more led a youth climate strike through downtown San Francisco as part of the global climate strike called by Fridays For Future with the theme #PeopleNotProfit.
March 12, 2022
Ally Event: No Drilling Contra Costa - Youth Climate March

The youth of Contra Costa county organized a huge march and rally to stop the threat of new oil wells going up in their community. A crowd over over 300 people from all over the Bay Area gathered to march two miles up and down Lone Tree Way in Antioch, followed by a rally with brief speeches by local Indigenous leaders, youth organizers, politicians, a panel of medical professionals, and other members of the community.
To support their cause you can sign the petition, and contribute to a fundraiser (if you can) to help defray the costs of a lawsuit being brought by the Sunflower Alliance against the proposed wells permits.
February 27, 2022

The Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area chapter hosted a regenerative and outreach event on the green and sunny slopes of Dolores Park. Street theater performers and the Scientist Rebellion attracted attention from picnicking park visitors.
February 18, 2022
Ally Event: #NoShade: Save The North Richmond Farm

Urban Tilth, the Richmond Our Power Coalition and community allies held a street mural action at the North Richmond Farm to kick off a campaign to protect the farm from the proposed development of a four-story tall warehouse next-door that would shade the farm, dramatically decrease food production, and bring pollution and more vehicle traffic to the area.
Rebels from XRSFBay worked with the 1000 Grandmothers SF and others to hold a street blockade for several hours while the community painted a huge mural adjacent to the farm.
February 12, 2022
Ally Event: Rally For Environmental Justice and Full Cleanup in Bayview Hunters Point

Residents of San Francisco’s Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood led a march to the historic Bayview Opera House and held a rally in the plaza outside calling for complete cleanup and remediation of radioactive and toxic sites at the Hunters Point Shipyard Superfund Site and adjacent areas. The residents of BVHP have suffered increased rates of cancer and respiratory ailments for generations, and sea level rise will only make the contamination from these low-lying areas even worse. It’s worth slowing down and getting this cleanup right.
The event was organized by Bayview Hunters Point Mothers and Fathers Committee, Marie Harrison Community Foundation, Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, Youth Vs. Apocalypse and other allies.
December 14, 2021
Stop Line 3 Protest @ SF Federal Building

On December 14th, we participated in the #StopLine3 National Day of Action by protesting outside the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office in San Francisco. The 14th marked one year of direct actions in Minnesota and nationwide in an effort to stop this tar sands time-bomb.
November 11, 2021
COP26 Climate Justice March

On the eve of COP 26’s conclusion in Glasgow, over 300 rebels marched along San Francisco’s Embarcadero roadway to demand that global leaders declare a climate emergency. We marched in solidarity with the tens of thousands of activists who have spent the last two weeks demonstrating in Glasgow, making our call for Climate Justice impossible to ignore.
October 29, 2021
Global Day of Action to Defund Climate Chaos and Fossil Fuels

On Friday, October 29, two days before the start of the United Nations COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, the Bay Area climate justice community joined together as part of a Global Day of Action to demand that financial institutions and governments immediately stop funding the fossil fuel projects that are feeding the climate emergency. Led by indigenous and youth activists, several streets in downtown San Francisco were blocked as groups created an enormous street mural showing messages of warning and hope. Youth Vs. Apocalypse led a march to the Federal Reserve to demand that banks and President Biden #DefundClimateChaos.
October 15, 2021
People Vs. Fossil Fuels Solidarity Action

On Friday, October 15 a small but mighty group converged on the Federal Courthouse in San Francisco to demand an end to fossil fuel extraction and dependence. The San Francisco action was in solidarity with the hundreds of activists who participated in the five days of climate action dubbed #PeopleVsFossilFuels in Washington, DC. More than 650 activists were arrested during the five days of protests in DC, demanding an end to fossil fuel projects and transition to a renewable energy revolution.
September 17, 2021
Stop Funding Fossil Fuels @ Wells Fargo HQ

On Friday, September 17, 2021, dozens of climate activists converged on the world headquarters of Wells Fargo in downtown San Francisco to kick off a new round of actions demanding that Wells stop funding fracking and tar sands – and invest instead into energy and the green economy.
August 13, 2021
#DefundLine 3 - Guerrilla Cinema & NVDA Training

Last Friday, around 200 activists converged in the heart of Wall Street West in downtown San Francisco to train in civil disobedience, blockade the street in front of the Wells Fargo Bank world headquarters, and throw a guerrilla film night on an inflatable 20 foot screen — complete with homemade popcorn and a pop-up art show.
July 16, 2021
Stop Line 3 Activists Rally At US Army Corps Of Engineers Office

As the West Coast recovered from a week of record heat, climate justice groups from around the Bay Area converged on the San Francisco federal building housing the local US Army Corps of Engineers district office to deliver a letter respectfully urging the Biden Administration to cancel the permit for the disastrous tar sands pipeline project Line 3. Patricia St. Onge of 1000 Grandmothers for Future Generations SF gave a powerful invocation, and also spoke later in the day on the power of Indigenous voices:
June 6, 2021
Clarion Alley Mural Unveiling Celebration

We gathered on June 6th, 2021 to celebrate the unveiling of Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area’s new mural, “The World is on Fire,” with music, art, dancing, poster printing, and inspiring speeches. The mural is larger than life and has to be seen in person to fully appreciate the love and detail that our Art Working Group painters put into this, over many months during COVID lockdown in 2020.
May 11, 2021
Ongoing: West Berkeley Shellmound Protection

Ohlone family bands and a broad coalition of Bay Area community members are fighting to prevent further desecration of a sacred site established some 5,000 years ago. The Ohlone people practiced ceremonial traditions and constructed a great mound in which they buried their dead—the West Berkeley Shellmound. The last remaining undeveloped portion of this heritage site, held sacred by the contemporary Ohlone community, is now at risk of being obliterated by a proposed retail and housing development.
May 7, 2021
#DefundLine3 Day Of Action - SF

As part of a Global Day of Action on May 7th - we mobilized in San Francisco’s Financial District to send a clear message to the banks and investors that they must #DefundLine3.
April 24, 2021
Earth Week Gathering Oakland 2021

We are celebrating the success of our Extinction Rebellion SF Bay-organized event, Earth Week Gathering Oakland 2021, with support from 350 Bay Area, Artists Building Communities, Climate Creative, Essential Food and Medicine, Living Earth Designs, Sunrise Movement Bay Area and the Wood St. Encampment Residence / Cobb on Wood. There were also many more individual supporters, social media co-sponsors and speakers who deserve recognition as well, thank you all!
April 22, 2021
Ally Event: People's Earth Day Rally @ SF City Hall

On Thursday, April 22, for Earth Day, members of Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area turned up to support residents of Bayview Hunters Point and Treasure Island in their demands for environmental justice.
April 21, 2021
Declare Climate Emergency Now Campaign

For Earth Week 2021, XRSFBay painted and flew a large banner at various bridges and locales around the Bay Area as part of a campaign by over two dozen Extinction Rebellion chapters across the US to urge the Biden Administration to declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency!
April 9, 2021
Wells Fargo: Defund Line 3 Mural Action

We were honored to be a part of the beautiful street mural and march at the Wells Fargo headquarters and BlackRock office in downtown San Francisco on Friday, April 9th. Many groups from the Bay Area climate justice community came together to demand that Wells #DefundLine3 and fire Chairman Noski for continuing to bankroll climate destruction to the tune of billions per year.
April 1, 2021
End Permits For Fossil Fools

Extinction Rebellion San Franciso Bay Area and allies showed up in downtown San Francisco in solidarity with the Indigenous-led resistance to the Line 3 and Dakota Access oil pipelines. We visited two US Army Corps of Engineers offices to make some noise and demand that the Biden Administration live up to their climate justice promises – #StopLine3 and #ShutdownDAPL!
March 26, 2021
Defund Destruction on the Golden Gate Bridge with Youth Vs Apocalypse

Activists with Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area showed up to support a youth-led action on the Golden Gate bridge to demand that CA teachers’ pension fund CalSTRS divest from fossil fuels.
March 22, 2021
We stand with our Asian-American sisters and brothers

While anti-Asian racism, intersecting with sexism, is nothing new in the U.S., the horrendous murders in Atlanta and rise in violence against Asian-Americans in the last year have cast a painful light on the serious work we have to do. Putting an end to racism, sexism, exploitation, marginalization and violence must be at the heart of the climate movement.
March 19, 2021
San Francisco Financial District Tour of Shame

Heeding the call from Indigenous activists on the frontlines in Minnesota, on Friday March 19th activists from all around the Bay Area converged in San Francisco’s “Wall Street West” district to let four dirty banks know it’s time to end pipeline funding.
March 11, 2021
XRSFBay Confront Chase Bank in Solidarity with 'Stop Line 3' Indigenous Water Protectors in Minnesota

Public pressure mounts on JP Morgan Chase, world’s largest funder of fossil fuels.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Local Extinction Rebellion activists participated in the escalating national campaign to “Stop the Money Pipeline” with creative disruption, occupying Chase Bank at 15th & Market Street this afternoon. Citizens delivered a letter to Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, the largest funder of fossil fuel projects, demanding the institution divest from fossil fuels immediately to halt the climate crisis. Chase – along with Citi, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and TD Bank – is funding Line 3, a tar sands pipeline traversing the Great Lakes through untouched wetlands and territory of Anishinaabe peoples in Minnesota, in violation of Native treaties. Local actions are being organized in solidarity with growing numbers of water protectors and allies in Northern Minnesota actively blocking pipeline construction with their bodies at ‘the next Standing Rock.’
March 5, 2021
Stop Line 3 Remote Actions

Indigenous Allies have called on allies to take action this week, as they mount pressure against Enbridge and the financiers of Line 3.
February 27, 2021
Stop Line 3 Street Mural

On Saturday, February 27th in front of the Oakland Federal Building on Clay street between 12th and 14th streets, Extinction Rebellion SFBay held the line for a street mural painting in solidarity with Line 3 & DAPL Resistance.
February 12, 2021

Extincion Rebellion SF Bay Area joined in the national Build Back Fossil Free week of action! We’re calling on President Joe Biden to protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities, to end the era of fossil fuel production, and to launch a national climate mobilization to Build Back Fossil Free.
December 11, 2020
Respect Indigenous Leaders, End Pipeline Finance

Over forty Indigenous women sent a letter to various US financial institutions in October, asking to meet them and address the financial sector’s complicity in funding ecologically-damaging, livelihood-destroying extraction projects. These women, and the indigenous groups they represent, were greeted with silence.
To urge a response from these institutions, on Friday Dec 11th, Stop The Money Pipeline campaign activists around the country hand-delivered the very same letter to a large number of local bank branches. Click through for images from XR SF Bay and 1000 Grandmother’s actions in Berkeley and San Francisco.
October 29, 2020
Democracy Street Mural

On Thursday, October 29th hundreds of artists got together to paint 14th Street in downtown Oakland with the message “CHOOSE DEMOCRACY STOP A COUP”.
Drone photograph: Emanuel Desousa
October 26, 2020
Sacramento Shoe Drop Action
A protest art installation to bring attention to the lethality of greed; express our grief over the true costs of fossil fuel extraction and our rage at elected state representatives (Gov. Newsom et al) who continue to pander to the fossil fuel industry.
October 24, 2020
March For Democracy

On Saturday, October 24, a march to protect the vote was held, beginning with a rally on the steps of Mission High School. Organized by a coalition of progressive groups, including XRSFBay and the Universal Unitarian Human Rights Working Group, the rally opened with an Ohlone song and prayer.
October 16, 2020
Berkeley Light Brigade

A small group of East Bay rebels lit up the night in Berkeley to nudge everyone to “VOTE 4 EARTH” and “COUNT EVERY VOTE”. Click through for a gallery.
October 7, 2020
XR Votes!

The 2020 election in the US will likely be the most important election in our lifetimes — and time is running out for people, creatures and planet. The most important action you can take right now, and encourage others to do, is VOTE.
October 2, 2020
Stop Funding Tar Sands, A Day of Solidarity with Frontline Communities

On Friday October 2nd, climate justice activists held a funeral procession in downtown San Francisco, taking the street briefly to hilight our demand that the BlackRock private equity firm stop financing the climate crisis – and defund tar sands oil projects that endanger the health of people and planet alike.
June 3, 2020
XR SF Bay Area Statement Against Racism and Police Terror

The rebellions engulfing our country right now are an indictment of this fundamental truth: policing in the United States has always been for the benefit of a white supremacist ruling class. These rebellions are a call for us to show up, to demonstrate how serious we are about XR's Fourth Demand. That demand seeks reparations for centuries of systemic racism.
Show up with or without your XR gear, but show up. Please. Wear your masks and rebel in the streets. For those of you who cannot, hang banners from your homes, from your apartment windows, from your cars, from freeway overpasses, to express your outrage and your commitment to justice. Hold online meetings to plan resistance. Some of you are already doing this now. Let's do this collectively - as a group of people who clearly see that the problem of extinction cannot be divorced from the problem of systemic racism.
March 28, 2020
IN PROGRESS: Mural In Clarion Alley, Mission District SF
Through the pandemic, through the wildfires, through the smoke, and luckily no murder hornets – members of Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area’s Art Working Group have been making a beautiful mural appear in the Mission District’s historic Clarion Alley as part of the Clarion Alley Mural Project (or CAMP). Click through for the progress gallery.
March 13, 2020
XRSFBAY, COVID-19 and Resilience

Dear Community,
The Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Chapter is sending love to those across the world impacted by COVID-19 and their families. These times call for strengthened resilience and mutual aid. This is a global crisis, which, similar to the deadly crisis of climate change, requires a global response at individual, family, community, city, region, state, country and international levels. We have the responsibility to take personal accountability for our actions by staying at home to limit cross-contamination risk, as well as the opportunity to create resilient social structures and mutual aid infrastructure that we can continue to grow to address the climate crisis (mortality rate of 80% of all life on earth on our current trajectory). Stay tuned via our email list (sign up here) and facebook page for ways to participate in the movement while you are staying safe at home.
February 28, 2020
Stop The Money Pipeline @Chase #2

Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area continued our effort to Stop the Money Pipeline @Chase with creative disruption at the Chase Bank, 1330 Broadway, Oakland on Friday, February 28. Over 130 people showed up to demand that JPMorgan Chase – the largest funder of fossil fuel projects – divest immediately to protect the planet.
Extinction Rebellion is a 100% non-violent civil disobedience movement aimed at nothing less than radical system change. Our rebellion is fueled by our love for humanity and for all life on earth.