End Permits For Fossil Fools

Extinction Rebellion San Franciso Bay Area and allies showed up in downtown San Francisco in solidarity with the Indigenous-led resistance to the Line 3 and Dakota Access oil pipelines. We visited two US Army Corps of Engineers offices to make some noise and demand that the Biden Administration live up to their climate justice promises – #StopLine3 and #ShutdownDAPL!
We symbolically “CANCELLED” permits for these pipelines to demonstrate to President Biden how to get it done.
Thanks to all the support from local allies including David Solnit, 350 Bay Area Action, Diablo Rising Tide, 1000 Grandmothers, Silicon Valley Climate Action Now, Oil and Gas Action Network, Rainforest Action Network, DXE and more! #RiseLikeTheWater
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About Extinction Rebellion
Extinction Rebellion is an International, 100% non-violent, civil disobedience movement that aims to drive radical change through direct action to avert climate catastrophe and minimize the risk of human extinction and ecological collapse. XRUS has four demands: 1) Tell the Truth about Climate Change. 2) Reduce CO2 emissions to net zero by 2025. 3) Create a Citizens’ Assembly to oversee the changes. 4) Prioritize frontline communities in a just transition.
Join us in taking direct action!
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