March For Democracy

On Saturday, October 24, a march to protect the vote was held, beginning with a rally on the steps of Mission High School. Organized by a coalition of progressive groups, including XRSFBay and the Universal Unitarian Human Rights Working Group, the rally opened with an Ohlone song and prayer.
Speakers exhorted the crowd to demand a fair election, protect our constitutional and moral rights to a fair democratic process, and send a signal to any who would reject the election outcome. Marchers, urged to follow all Covid-19 safety guidelines, walked over 18th St. to Mission, up Valencia to Market St., ending with a brief rally at Market and Larkin.
A number of XR members from San Francisco and the East Bay were there, adding color with banners and bicycles—one with a sound system that got the march off to a dancing start, and a very tall one that gave the rider a look over the crowd.
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Photo Credits: Esteban Pinilla, Betsy D, Blair L