Extinction Rebellion, or XR for short, is a decentralized, international and politically non-partisan movement using non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
Rebels can establish XR chapters anywhere in the world. The XR SF Bay Area chapter (XRSFBay) brings action to San Francisco, California and surrounding areas. XRSFBay works alongside other local campaigns and ally organizations.
XR uses Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA), otherwise known as civil disobedience, to put pressure on the government to act on climate change. We see NVDA as the only remaining tactical option, as our government has continuously failed at legal and conventional means to make the needed changes to avert mass catastrophe. Nonviolent action attracts attention to our movement, disrupts business as usual, and puts authorities in an ethical dilemma.
XR is a grassroots organization powered by regular people. We don’t believe that hierarchical structures of organization are a best practice in achieving our goals. Everyone is welcome!
XR San Francisco Bay Area works in small semi-autonomous groups, which generally fall under two categories: affinity groups and working groups.
Extinction Rebellion is a 100% non-violent civil disobedience movement aimed at nothing less than radical system change. Our rebellion is fueled by our love for humanity and for all life on earth.